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Dry Needling

Dry needling is the insertion of a very fine solid filament needle (the same as those used in acupuncture) into the skin and tissues below. It is termed "dry" to differentiate it from injection needles that introduce a substance to the body.


Generally dry needling is based on Western anatomical and neurophysiological principles, modern medical science and research. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) technique of acupuncture is based on meridians (or channels) derived from ancient Chinese philosophy and culture.


Dry needling targets specific tissues, such as muscles, tendons, and myofascial trigger points, to address pain and dysfunction. The insertion of needles in dry needling aims to create small injuries or lesions in the tissue, triggering a healing response and promoting the repair of damaged tissue. The pain relief effects of dry needling are supported by scientific evidence, and it is increasingly recognized and funded within mainstream Western medicine.


The exact mechanisms of dry needling are complex and not fully understood, but research suggests that it influences the electrical and chemical communication within the nervous system. It can inhibit pain signal transmission in the spinal cord and stimulate the release of endogenous pain-relieving chemicals in the brain.


Additionally, dry needling can induce a "twitch" response in muscles, which is both diagnostic and therapeutic, leading to muscle relaxation, reduced inflammation, and improved circulation.


As a result of these processes, dry needling can address muscle, tendon, myofascial pain and dysfunction. It is a great modality to use in the treatment of pain of acute injuries, muscle spasms, tendinopathies, muscle pattern imbalances.


What can Dry Needling help with?

  • breaking pain spasm cycle

  • reducing pain

  • acute injuries

  • reducing muscle spasms

  • addressing muscle pattern imbalances


At Twenty 11 we may choose to initiate dry needling at the beginning of your treatment and then introduce other modalities. Dry needling is considered a safe treatment when performed by trained practitioners. Clean technique is used, and only sterile, single-use needles are used.

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