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Wellbeing Advice

The globally recognised definition of health is "the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Wellbeing might be thought of as the active pursuit of a lifestyle that helps to achieve optimal health. 


At Twenty 11, advice in all shapes and sizes will be part and parcel of your appointment. 


Adhering to best practice with you at the centre is paramount at Twenty 11. Advice about your condition, general health, prevention, chronic conditions, more broadly about lifestyle choices, random general knowledge etc. will be inherent to the experience/. 


The blog page will continue to grow but in the meantime if there are any topics you want covered or questions you want answered...within reason, fire away on the form below!



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Thanks for asking!




1/1 Greenknowe Avenue

Elizabeth Bay

NSW 2011



0420 615 806
















10am  -   4pm

10am  -   6pm

7am    -   7pm

7am    -   7pm

8am    -   2pm


A short walk from Kings Cross train station, close to Rushcutters Bay, Darlinghurst, Surry Hills, Kings Cross

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